
Activate Good’s Shop for Good Day Market

This holiday season, shop for good! The Shop for Good Day Market is a holiday shopping event with unique goods sold by vendors with a portion of proceeds benefiting local charities, a relaxation zone with complimentary chair massages and hot beverages, a wine tasting, food, and entertainment kicking off at 11 AM on Saturday, December 2 at Marbles Kids Museum and Vintage Church in downtown Raleigh. Learn more and grab your tickets at www.activategood.org/shopforgood


About Activate Good


Activate Good activates volunteers to help charitable causes in our local community. We connect individuals, groups, and companies to fill volunteer needs with hundreds of nonprofits around the Triangle. Learn more about Activate Good at https://www.activategood.org.


Contact Information:

shopforgood@activategood.org, 919-578-2280

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