
Camp Flintlock Summer Day Camp 2016

Time: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

For: 1st- to 5th-Grade Children. Children must have completed the 1st grade but not the 7th (i.e., a child should be approximately 7–12 years old).

Cost: $240 per Participant

Where: Grounds of Joel Lane Museum House
160 S. Saint Mary’s Street, Raleigh NC 27603

Activities Include But Not Limited To:
Quill & Ink Writing· Print Making· Sword Fighting
Cord Making· Paper Quilling· Journal Making
Necklace Making· Candle Making· Doll Making
Colonial Games· Store· Tour of Joel Lane Museum House
Cooking Demo· Firearms Demo· Fire-Starting Demo
Daily Music Demonstrations· Daily Singing
Daily Readings and History Lessons
Lots of Fun and Learning!

Led by Mr. & Mrs. Tim Langdon
Camp Directors Since 1999

For more information or to register:

A Portion of the Proceeds Benefits the Joel Lane Museum House.

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