
Drop Off Expired or Unneeded Medications

Anyone with unneeded or expired medication may drop it off for safe disposal at a Prescription Pill Drop-Off Event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 18, outside four Raleigh stores. The City of Raleigh Substance Abuse Advisory Commission and the City’s Police, Community Services and Public Utilities departments are sponsoring the free event to help prevent the abuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. The event also helps keep medications out of the water system.

The event will take place outside these locations:

Many people who abuse prescription drugs get them from unsuspecting family and friends. The Prescription Pill Drop-Off Event will help keep drugs away from those who might abuse them. It also provides a safe alternative to flushing unneeded or expired medication, which could taint water supplies.
Markers will be available at the event to black out personal information on prescription labels.

The City of Raleigh Substance Abuse Advisory Commission advocates for the prevention and treatment of alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse. Its members are volunteers appointed by the Raleigh City Council.

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