
Raleigh City Farm 3rd bEARTHday & BrewHaHa

Raleigh City Farm is excited to celebrate our third birthday this month and to share the Farm’s progress with our community of supporters. Please join us Saturday, April 18 for our bEARTHday and BrewHaha sponsored in part by New Belgium Brewing. 

We’re proud to partner with our farm entrepreneurs and the other environmental entrepreneurs and advocates who are working hard to make this community healthier and happier. There will be a whole lot of digging and biking and paddling and eating and toasting going on, plus a bEARTHday Bazaar featuring a locavore Farm Food Court and vendor booths, bEARTHday cake, family activities, farm tours and sustainability talks, and comedy and local bands on the Raleigh City Farm Stage. 

Free & ticketed events all day long – check out the event calendar!

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