
Start the Life of Your Dreams in 1 Day!

If Your Life Were a Business, Would You Invest In It?

Start living your dream life – realistically and authentically – in just one day! No more choosing between financial security and the life you really want…You CAN have both!

What if you ran your life using the secrets that successful CEOs use to run their companies? Can you imagine the possibilities? This 1-day, guided workshop (I’m bringing workbooks, breakfast, and lunch) will get what you think your values and purposes are and what they really are aligned and on track so that 2014 leaves 2013 in the dust. In one day.

Meet your facilitator, Jerry Bergner (that’s me on the left), as I describe Life Business™ and how it’s helped thousands of people just like you already:

Who benefits from the Life Business™ 1-day workshop?

Are you or someone you know:

“I found myself in a situation with my personal and financial life that grew more devastating every day. Not having any answers or even knowing what questions to ask any more, I frantically researched self-help books and Internet sites that offered no practical advice for the average family. A therapist recommended this book, and I signed up for the class. Do this for yourself!” -Casey Weisenstein

Very limited seating in order to provide hands-on, 1:1 guided instruction!! Get full details about the workshop and enroll online at http://lifebusiness.eventbrite.com. Learn more about Jerry Bergner at http://www.lifebiz.biz.

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