
Tenth Annual Tour D’ Coop

Tour D’ Coop is a one-day tour of various chicken coops and chickens in the community. Join us on this tour as well as a green bike route, hive hike and coop carnival! Proceeds will benefit Urban Ministries’ mission of helping the community with hunger, health care and homelessness.

Open to adults and children, the tour showcases various hen houses and breeds. Coop owners are on hand at each location to discuss the how-tos of chicken keeping and there are opportunities for photographing and getting to know the chickens. The wide variety of coop styles as well as the surrounding back yard gardens make the tour interesting for the whole family.

Please leave pets and companion animals at home; many hens are not accustomed to dogs.

We encourage tour participants to bring a city map if they do not own a GPS system. The tour tickets only provide the coops’ addresses and basic directions.


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